Silicon Zeroes

Build hardware. Solve puzzles. From the creator of Manufactoria, a new open-ended puzzle game set in Silicon Valley's first startup.
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  • Lighting The Spark

    Beat the first board.

  • Wealth

    Beat the game.

  • Hope

  • Senior Engineer

    Beat all puzzles.

  • Visionary

    Perfect all puzzles.

  • Credit Where Credit Is Due

  • Revolutionary

    Beat 'Threes'.

  • A Fine Product

    Beat 'Multiply'.

  • Stellar Achievement

  • Ne Plus Ultra?

    Beat a 'Goal' score.

  • Fame

    Beat the second board.

  • Three More Things...

    Beat 'Faux-Reg' variants 1, 2 and 3.

  • Narayana's Tale

    Beat 'Cows'.