Air Brawl

A fast paced multiplayer dogfighting game that focuses on creative weapons and game mechanics that reward skillful flying.
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  • First of many

    Crash for the first time!

  • Victory!

    Win your first game

  • Progress!

    Win 10 games

  • Even more progress!

    Win 100 games

  • Air Brawl Veteran

    Win 1000 Games

  • Seriously?

    Win 10000 Games

  • I finally got one!

    Get your first kill

  • Serial killer

    Get 100 Kills

  • Mass murder

    Get 1000 Kills

  • And again, and again...

    Crash 100 Times

  • ARGHHH!!

    Crash 1000 Times

  • Certified Brawler

    Complete the tutorial

  • Meet your maker

    Get killed by one of the developers

  • Slayer of gods

    Kill one of the developers

  • Team player

    Capture your first flag