Company of Heroes 2

Experience the ultimate WWII RTS platform with COH2 and its standalone expansions. This package includes the base game, which you can then upgrade by purchasing The Western Front Armies, Ardennes Assault and/or The British Forces. More info in the "About This Game" section below.
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  • Attrition over Annihilation

    Play 250 Victory Point games

  • Soviet Vehicle Specialist

    End 15 games with the majority of your kills from vehicles (Soviet)

  • Panzer Krieg

    End 15 games with the majority of your kills from vehicles (German)

  • Annihilator

    Win 100 annihilate games

  • Annihilation over Attrition

    Play 250 Annihilate games

  • Blood Toll

    Win a game despite having twice as many deaths as kills

  • Attrition

    End 25 games with a kill:death ratio greater than 2:1

  • War Games IV

    Win 100 games versus four AI opponents

  • War Games III

    Win 100 games versus three AI opponents

  • War Games II

    Win 100 games versus two AI opponents

  • War Games I

    Win 100 games versus one AI opponent

  • Total Victory

    Win 25 games with 500 or greater point lead

  • Overwhelming Might

    Win 50 games with a point lead greater than 400

  • Heartbreaking Loss

    Lose 25 Victory Point games by reaching zero points with a 100 or less point difference

  • Attrition Expert

    Win 100 Victory Point games

  • Challenging Victory

    Win 25 games with a point lead under 100

  • Soviet Team Weapon Specialist

    End 15 games with the majority of your kills from team weapons (Soviet)

  • German Team Weapon Specialist

    End 15 games with the majority of your kills from team weapons (German)

  • To the Last Bullet

    Finish 500 automatch or skirmish games

  • War Footing Munitions III

    Spend over 2500 munitions in each of 15 games

  • War Footing Munitions II

    Spend over 2000 munitions in each of 15 games

  • War Footing Munitions I

    Spend over 1500 munitions in each of 15 games

  • War Footing Fuel III

    Spend over 1250 fuel in each of 15 games

  • War Footing Fuel II

    Spend over 1000 fuel in each of 15 games

  • War Footing Fuel I

    Spend over 750 fuel in each of 15 games

  • Command Economy

    Spend over 7500 resources in 15 games

  • Soviet Battle Medallion

    Play as the Soviets 500 times

  • German Battle Medallion

    Play as the Germans 500 times

  • Delaying the Inevitable

    Play 50 games against a Soviet opponent that last longer than 45 minutes

  • Human Wave

    Win a game as Soviets despite having three times as many deaths as kills

  • Fusilier

    End 15 games with the majority of your kills from infantry (German)

  • Soviet Infantry Specialist

    End 15 games with the majority of your kills from infantry (Soviet)

  • War Material

    Capture five team weapons or vehicles in 25 different games

  • Staunch Defense

    Build 10 or more bunkers in 15 games

  • IS-2 Specialist

    Build 30 IS-2 and achieve three levels of veteran status with 5 IS-2s

  • One Tank Army

    Destroy 20 Vehicles and kill 200 Infantry with IS-2s

  • Sibling Rivalry (Soviet)

    Destroy 10 Tiger PzKpfw VIs with IS-2s

  • Sibling Rivalry (German)

    Destroy 10 IS-2s with Tiger PzKpfw VIs

  • Top of the Food Chain

    Destroy 20 T-34/76s and 10 T-34/85s with Tiger PzKpfw VI tanks

  • King Tiger

    Kill 50 enemies with a single Tiger PzKpfw VI

  • KV-8 Specialist

    Kill 300 infantry and achieve three levels of veteran status with 5 KV-8s

  • Even Heavy Armor Cannot Withstand Fire of this Magnitude

    Destroy 25 heavy tanks with Elefants

  • Death from Afar

    Destroy 40 T-34/76 medium tanks with Elefants

  • Elefant Frenzy

    Kill 30 enemies with each of 5 different Elefant tanks

  • Tank Hunter

    Destroy 50 medium tanks and 30 heavy tanks with Panther PzKpfw Vs

  • Deadly Purpose

    Build 50 T-34/85s and destroy 10 heavy tanks with T-34/85s

  • Ramming Speed!

    Use the T-34/76 ramming ability 50 times

  • Multi-talented

    Kill 100 infantry and 20 vehicles with T-34/76s

  • Light Snack

    Destroy 50 T-70s with Panzer IVs

  • Evenly Matched

    Destroy 25 T-34/76s with Panzer IVs

  • Panzer IV Specialist

    Build 50 Panzer Ivs and achieve three levels of veteran status with 15 Panzer Ivs

  • Massacre

    Kill 250 HMG team members and 250 Mortar team members with Ostwinds

  • Not Simply Anti-Air

    Destroy 100 light vehicles with Ostwinds

  • Outrun and Outgun

    Destroy 75 light vehicles with T-70s

  • Up Close and Personal

    Kill 150 Anti-tank Gun team members with T-70s

  • It's Super Effective!

    Kill 200 Heavy Machine Gun team members and 200 Mortar team members with Sdkfz 222 Scout Cars

  • Sniper Hunter

    Kill 50 snipers with Sdkfz 222 Scout Cars

  • Flame On!

    Upgrade 60 Sdkfz 251 Halftracks with Flame Projectors

  • More Than Just a Personnel Carrier

    Kill 250 infantry with M5 Halftracks

  • No-Fly Zone

    Upgrade 60 M5 Halftracks with the M17 Quad AA package

  • Now That's What I Call Recon

    Kill 15 enemies with each of 20 different M3A1 Scout Cars

  • M3A1 Specialist

    Achieve three levels of veteran status with 40 M3A1 Scout Cars

  • Penetrating Performance

    Destroy 75 medium tanks with ZIS-3 76mm Divisional Field Guns

  • Explosivist

    Use the ZIS-3 76mm Divisional Field Gun Light Artillery Barrage ability 75 times

  • Knife through Butter

    Destroy 100 light vehicles with Pak40 Anti-tank Guns

  • 'Pak's Quite a Punch

    Build 100 Pak40 Anti-tank Guns and kill 15 medium tanks with Pak40 Anti-tank Guns

  • Pak43 Specialist

    Achieve three levels of veteran status with 10 Pak43 Anti-tank Guns

  • Unstoppable Force

    Build 50 Pak43 Anti-tank Guns and kill 5 IS-2 heavy tanks with Pak43s

  • Long Distance Combat

    Destroy 5 Elefant tanks with ML-20 152mm Gun-Howitzers

  • Never Know What Hit 'Em

    Kill 500 infantry with ML-20 152mm Gun-Howitzers

  • Outranged

    Destroy 50 leFH 18 Artillery Howitzer team members with ML-20 152mm Gun-Howitzer

  • Wrong Place, Wrong Time

    Destroy 30 vehicles with leFH 18 Artillery

  • Sitting Ducks

    Kill 50 Mortar team memberss and 50 HMG team members with leFH 18 Artillery

  • Blow It All Up!

    Destroy 30 buildings and kill 300 infantry with Katyushas

  • Missiles Everywhere!

    Use the BM-13 Katyusha 132mm Barrage ability 75 times and kill 30 enemies with each of 15 BM-13 Katyushas

  • Death from Above

    Kill 600 infantry with Panzerwerfers

  • Rocket Siege

    Use the Panzerwerfer Rocket Barrage 30 times and build 60 Panzerwerfers

  • A Tool for Every Occasion

    Use Grenadiers' Panzerfaust ability 50 times and destroy 50 light vehicles with Grenadiers

  • With Extreme Difficulty

    Destroy 5 heavy tanks with Grenadiers

  • Oorah!

    Use the Conscripts' Oorah! Ability 100 times

  • Burn Baby Burn

    Use the Conscripts' Molotov Cocktail ability 80 times and kill 500 enemy infantry with Conscripts

  • Panzer Grenadier Specialist

    Achieve three levels of veteran status with 20 Panzer Grenadier squads and kill 300 Conscripts with Panzer Grenadier squads

  • Commando Style

    Kill 15 enemies with each of 25 different Panzer Grenadier squads

  • Heavy Weapons

    Destroy 30 Sdkfz 222 Scout Cars, 15 Ostwinds, and 40 more vehicles with Guards

  • Stealing the Spotlight

    Kill 40 Panzer Grenadiers with Guards

  • To the Frontlines!

    Build 50 Shock Troops and kill 300 infantry with Shock Troops

  • Flanking Maneuvers

    Kill 70 HMG team members and 70 Mortar team members with Shock Troops

  • Satchel of Trouble

    Use the Satchel Charge ability 40 times and Kill 70 Mortar teams with Penal Battalions

  • Torched

    Upgrade 30 Penal Battalions with flamethrowers and kill 300 infantry with Penal Battalions

  • Infantry Annihilator

    Kill 250 Conscripts and 500 more infantry with Sturmpanzer IV "Brummbärs"

  • Sturmpanzer IV Specialist

    Achieve three levels of veteran status with 10 Sturmpanzer IV "Brummbärs"s and kill 40 enemies with the same Sturmpanzer IV "Brummbär"

  • Destined for Destruction

    Destroy 30 T-34/76s with StuG IIIs

  • StuG Lover

    Build 60 StuG IIIs and destroy 80 vehicles with StuG IIIs

  • Nothing Left Standing

    Destroy 25 buildings and destroy 50 vehicles with ISU-152s

  • Beast Killer

    Destroy 25 Panthers PzKpfw V and 10 Tiger PzKpfw VIs with ISU-152s

  • Tank Destroyer

    Destroy 15 heavy tanks with SU-85s

  • SU-76 Specialist

    Destroy 40 Light Vehicles with SU-76s and achieve three levels of veteran status with 20 SU-76s

  • Indirect but Deadly

    Destroy 200 Infantry with SU-76s and use the SU-76 Barrage ability 100 times

  • Special Ingredients

    Use MG42 Incendiary Armor Piercing rounds 100 times and destroy 30 light vehicles with MG42 Heavy Machine Guns

  • Brotherly Love (German)

    Kill 100 M1910 Maxim Heavy Machine Gun team members and 300 Conscripts with MG42 Heavy Machine Guns

  • MG42 Specialist

    Achieve three levels of veteran status with 15 MG42s

  • Shooting Gallery

    Kill 500 infantry with M1910 Maxim Heavy Machine Guns

  • Brotherly Love (Soviet)

    Kill 100 MG42 HMG team members and 300 Grenadier squads with M1910 Maxim Heavy Machine Guns

  • HMG Hero

    Kill 15 enemies with each of 10 different M1910 Maxim Heavy Machine Guns squads

  • Hit the Deck!

    Kill 600 infantry with Heavy Machine Guns

  • Tougher Meat

    Kill 100 light vehicles with Heavy Machine Guns

  • Direct Indirect Fire

    Build 80 PM-41 82mm Mortar teams and use their Mortar Barrage ability 40 times

  • Lucky Shot

    Destroy 25 Sdkfz 222 Scout Cars with PM-41 82mm Mortars

  • PM-41 82mm Mortar Specialist

    Achieve three levels of veteran status with 20 PM-41 82mm Mortar Teams

  • Kinslayer

    Destroy 50 Mortar team members with GrW 34 8cm Mortars

  • Target Practice

    Kill 300 infantry with GrW 34 8cm Mortar teams

  • Mortar Hero

    Kill 15 enemies with each of 25 different GrW 34 8cm Mortar teams

  • Bigger is Better

    Build 100 HM-38 120mm Mortar teams and kill 200 infantry with HM-38 120mm Mortars

  • HM-38 120mm Mortar Specialist

    Destroy 15 buildings and achieve three levels of veteran status with 20 HM-38 120mm Mortars

  • Heavy Tank Production I

    Build 20 Tiger PzKpfw Vis, 20 IS-2s, and 40 Elefants

  • Medium Tank Production I

    Build 50 Panther PzKpfw Vs and 40 T-34/85s

  • Medium Tank Production II

    Build 30 T-34/76s, 30 Panzer Ivs and 30 Ostwinds

  • Light Vehicle Production I

    Build 50 T-70s, 50 Sdkfz 222 Scout Cars, and 50 M3A1 Scout Cars

  • Assault Gun Production I

    Build 50 Sturmpanzer IVs, 10 ISU-152s, and 50 SU-85s

  • Assault Gun Production II

    Build 70 SU-76s and 70 StuG IIIs

  • Artillery Production I

    Build 60 BM-13 Katyushas and 60 Panzerwerfers

  • Artillery Production II

    Build 15 ML-20 152mm Gun-Howitzer pieces and 15 leFH 18 Artillery Artillery pieces

  • Anti-tank Gun Production I

    Build 60 Pak40 Anti-tank Guns, 30 Pak43 Anti-tank Guns, and 60 ZIS-3 76mm Divisional Field Guns

  • HMG Production I

    Build 80 M1910 Maxim Heavy Machine Gun teams and 80 MG42 Heavy Machine Gun teams

  • Mortar Production I

    Build 60 GrW 34 8cm Mortars, 60 PM-41 82mm Mortars, and 50 HM-38 120mm Mortars

  • Infantry Production I

    Build 100 Conscripts, 100 Grenadiers, and 60 Panzer Grenadiers

  • Infantry Production II

    Build 60 Shock Troops, 60 Guard Troops, and 60 Penal Battalions

  • Light Vehicle Production II

    Build 70 M5 Halftracks and 70 Sdkfz 251 Halftracks

  • Artillery Specialist

    Complete all Artillery intelligence bulletins

  • Assault Gun Specialist

    Complete all Assault Gun intelligence bulletins

  • Anti-Tank Gun Specialist

    Complete all Anti-Tank intelligence bulletins

  • Heavy Tank Specialist

    Complete all Heavy Tank intelligence bulletins

  • Heavy Machine Gun Specialist

    Complete all HMG intelligence bulletins

  • Light Vehicles Specialist

    Complete all Light Vehicles intelligence bulletins

  • Medium Tank Specialist

    Complete all Medium Tank intelligence bulletins

  • Mortar Specialist

    Complete all Mortar intelligence bulletins

  • Infantry Specialist

    Complete all Infantry intelligence bulletins

  • Armored Assassin

    Destroy 30 BM-13 Katyushas with Panther PzKpfw Vs

  • Invulnerable

    Destroy 50 T-70s with Panther PzKpfw Vs and achieve three levels of veteran status with 25 Panther PzKpfw Vs

  • Mobile Bombardment

    Use the Sdkfz 250/7 Mortar Halftrack's Mortar Barrage, Smoke Barrage, and Incendiary Mortar Barrage 25 times each

  • Master Flanker

    Snipe 70 HMG Team Members and 70 Mortar Team Members

  • Sniper Hero

    Kill 25 enemies with each of 15 different German Snipers

  • Never Make an Engineer Mad

    Upgrade 100 Combat Engineers with flamethrowers and kill 200 infantry with Combat Engineers

  • Battlefield Menace

    Build 150 Barbed Wire pieces and plant 20 Soviet TM-35 mines

  • Hold the Line

    Build 30 bunkers

  • Don't Step on the Grass

    Build 30 mine fields and plant 15 Teller AT Mines

  • Senior Private

    Reach the rank of Senior Private

  • Corporal

    Reach the rank of Corporal

  • Senior Corporal

    Reach the rank of Senior Corporal

  • Junior Sergeant

    Reach the rank of Junior Sergeant

  • Sergeant

    Reach the rank of Sergeant

  • Senior Sergeant

    Reach the rank of Senior Sergeant

  • Master Sergeant

    Reach the rank of Master Sergeant

  • Sergeant Major

    Reach the rank of Sergeant Major

  • Warrant Officer

    Reach the rank of Warrant Officer

  • Senior Warrant Officer

    Reach the rank of Senior Warrant Officer

  • Junior Lieutenant

    Reach the rank of Junior Lieutenant

  • Lieutenant

    Reach the rank of Lieutenant

  • Senior Lieutenant

    Reach the rank of Senior Lieutenant

  • Captain

    Reach the rank of Captain

  • Senior Captain

    Reach the rank of Senior Captain

  • Major

    Reach the rank of Major

  • Lieutenant Colonel

    Reached the rank of Lieutenant Colonel

  • Colonel

    Reached the rank of Colonel

  • Brigadier General

    Reached the rank of Brigadier General

  • Major General

    Reached the rank of Major General

  • Campaign Conscript

    Play 1 Campaign mission

  • Campaign Officer

    Play 3 Campaign missions

  • Campaign Lieutenant

    Play 10 Campaign missions

  • Campaign Commander

    Play 25 Campaign missions

  • Campaign General

    Play 100 Campaign missions

  • Theater of War Challenge Conscript

    Play 1 Theater of War Challenge

  • Theater of War Challenge Officer

    Play 3 Theater of War Challenges

  • Theater of War Challenge Lieutenant

    Play 10 Theater of War Challenges

  • Theater of War Challenge Commander

    Play 25 Theater of War Challenges

  • Theater of War Challenge General

    Play 100 Theater of War Challenges

  • Theater of War Scenario Conscript

    Play 1 Theater of War Scenario

  • Theater of War Scenario Officer

    Play 3 Theater of War Scenarios

  • Theater of War Scenario Lieutenant

    Play 10 Theater of War Scenarios

  • Theater of War Scenario Commander

    Play 25 Theater of War Scenarios

  • Theater of War Scenario General

    Play 100 Theater of War Scenarios

  • Theater of War Battle Conscript

    Play 1 Theater of War Battle

  • Theater of War Battle Officer

    Play 3 Theater of War Battles

  • Theater of War Battle Lieutenant

    Play 10 Theater of War Battles

  • Theater of War Battle Commander

    Play 25 Theater of War Battles

  • Theater of War Battle General

    Play 100 Theater of War Battles

  • Comp-Stomp Conscript

    Play 1 match versus AI

  • Comp-Stomp Officer

    Play 3 matches versus AI

  • Comp-Stomp Lieutenant

    Play 10 matches versus AI

  • Comp-Stomp Commander

    Play 25 matches versus AI

  • Comp-Stomp General

    Play 100 matches versus AI

  • Automatch Conscript

    Play 1 automatch game

  • Automatch Officer

    Play 3 automatch games

  • Automatch Lieutenant

    Play 10 automatch games

  • Automatch Commander

    Play 25 automatch games

  • Automatch General

    Play 100 automatch games

  • Stalingrad Rail Station - Conscript

    Complete Campaign Mission 01 - Stalingrad Rail Station on Conscript difficulty

  • Scorched Earth - Conscript

    Complete Campaign Mission 02 - Scorched Earth on Conscript difficulty

  • Support is on the Way - Conscript

    Complete Campaign Mission 03 - Support is on the Way on Conscript difficulty

  • The Miraculous Winter - Conscript

    Complete Campaign Mission 04 - The Miraculous Winter on Conscript difficulty

  • Stalingrad - Conscript

    Complete Campaign Mission 05 - Stalingrad on Conscript difficulty

  • Stalingrad Aftermath - Conscript

    Complete Campaign Mission 06 - Stalingrad Aftermath on Conscript difficulty

  • Land Bridge to Leningrad - Conscript

    Complete Campaign Mission 07 - Land Bridge to Leningrad on Conscript difficulty

  • Tiger Hunting - Conscript

    Complete Campaign Mission 08 - Tiger Hunting on Conscript difficulty

  • Radio Silence - Conscript

    Complete Campaign Mission 09 - Radio Silence on Conscript difficulty

  • Lublin - Conscript

    Complete Campaign Mission 10 - Lublin on Conscript difficulty

  • Behind Enemy Lines - Conscript

    Complete Campaign Mission 11 - Behind Enemy Lines on Conscript difficulty

  • Poznan Citadel - Conscript

    Complete Campaign Mission 12 - Poznan Citadel on Conscript difficulty

  • Halbe - Conscript

    Complete Campaign Mission 13 - Halbe on Conscript difficulty

  • The Reichstag - Conscript

    Complete Campaign Mission 14 - The Reichstag on Conscript difficulty

  • Stalingrad Rail Station - Captain

    Complete Campaign Mission 01 - Stalingrad Rail Station on Captain difficulty

  • Scorched Earth - Captain

    Complete Campaign Mission 02 - Scorched Earth on Captain difficulty

  • Support is on the Way - Captain

    Complete Campaign Mission 03 - Support is on the Way on Captain difficulty

  • The Miraculous Winter - Captain

    Complete Campaign Mission 04 - The Miraculous Winter on Captain difficulty

  • Stalingrad - Captain

    Complete Campaign Mission 05 - Stalingrad on Captain difficulty

  • Stalingrad Aftermath - Captain

    Complete Campaign Mission 06 - Stalingrad Aftermath on Captain difficulty

  • Land Bridge to Leningrad - Captain

    Complete Campaign Mission 07 - Land Bridge to Leningrad on Captain difficulty

  • Tiger Hunting - Captain

    Complete Campaign Mission 08 - Tiger Hunting on Captain difficulty

  • Radio Silence - Captain

    Complete Campaign Mission 09 - Radio Silence on Captain difficulty

  • Lublin - Captain

    Complete Campaign Mission 10 - Lublin on Captain difficulty

  • Behind Enemy Lines - Captain

    Complete Campaign Mission 11 - Behind Enemy Lines on Captain difficulty

  • Poznan Citadel - Captain

    Complete Campaign Mission 12 - Poznan Citadel on Captain difficulty

  • Halbe - Captain

    Complete Campaign Mission 13 - Halbe on Captain difficulty

  • The Reichstag - Captain

    Complete Campaign Mission 14 - The Reichstag on Captain difficulty

  • Stalingrad Rail Station - General

    Complete Campaign Mission 01 - Stalingrad Rail Station on General difficulty

  • Scorched Earth - General

    Complete Campaign Mission 02 - Scorched Earth on General difficulty

  • Support is on the Way - General

    Complete Campaign Mission 03 - Support is on the Way on General difficulty

  • The Miraculous Winter - General

    Complete Campaign Mission 04 - The Miraculous Winter on General difficulty

  • Stalingrad - General

    Complete Campaign Mission 05 - Stalingrad on General difficulty

  • Stalingrad Aftermath - General

    Complete Campaign Mission 06 - Stalingrad Aftermath on General difficulty

  • Land Bridge to Leningrad - General

    Complete Campaign Mission 07 - Land Bridge to Leningrad on General difficulty

  • Tiger Hunting - General

    Complete Campaign Mission 08 - Tiger Hunting on General difficulty

  • Radio Silence - General

    Complete Campaign Mission 09 - Radio Silence on General difficulty

  • Lublin - General

    Complete Campaign Mission 10 - Lublin on General difficulty

  • Behind Enemy Lines - General

    Complete Campaign Mission 11 - Behind Enemy Lines on General difficulty

  • Poznan Citadel - General

    Complete Campaign Mission 12 - Poznan Citadel on General difficulty

  • Halbe - General

    Complete Campaign Mission 13 - Halbe on General difficulty

  • The Reichstag - General

    Complete Campaign Mission 14 - The Reichstag on General difficulty

  • Campaign - Conscript

    Complete the Campaign on Conscript difficulty

  • Campaign - Captain

    Complete the Campaign on Captain difficulty

  • Campaign - General

    Complete the Campaign on General difficulty

  • Blitzkrieg - Conscript

    Complete the Blitzkrieg Challenge on Conscript difficulty

  • Officer Assassination - Conscript

    Complete the Officer Assassination Challenge on Conscript difficulty

  • Defense of Schildkröteberg - Conscript

    Complete the Defense of Schildkröteberg Challenge on Conscript difficulty

  • Cold Weather - Conscript

    Complete the Cold Weather Challenge on Conscript difficulty

  • Indirect Fire - Conscript

    Complete the Indirect Fire Challenge on Conscript difficulty

  • Winter Defense - Conscript

    Complete the Winter Defense Challenge on Conscript difficulty

  • Blitzkrieg - Captain

    Complete the Blitzkrieg Challenge on Captain difficulty

  • Officer Assassination - Captain

    Complete the Officer Assassination Challenge on Captain difficulty

  • Defense of Schildkröteberg - Captain

    Complete the Defense of Schildkröteberg Challenge on Captain difficulty

  • Cold Weather - Captain

    Complete the Cold Weather Challenge on Captain difficulty

  • Indirect Fire - Captain

    Complete the Indirect Fire Challenge on Captain difficulty

  • Winter Defense - Captain

    Complete the Winter Defense Challenge on Captain difficulty

  • Blitzkrieg - General

    Complete the Blitzkrieg Challenge on General difficulty

  • Officer Assassination - General

    Complete the Officer Assassination Challenge on General difficulty

  • Defense of Schildkröteberg - General

    Complete the Defense of Schildkröteberg Challenge on General difficulty

  • Cold Weather - General

    Complete the Cold Weather Challenge on General difficulty

  • Indirect Fire - General

    Complete the Indirect Fire Challenge on General difficulty

  • Winter Defense - General

    Complete the Winter Defense Challenge on General difficulty

  • Encirclement at Smolensk - Conscript

    Complete the Encirclement at Smolensk on Conscript difficulty

  • Faceoff at Rostov - Conscript

    Complete the Faceoff at Rostov on Conscript difficulty

  • Brody Tank War - Conscript

    Complete the Brody Tank War on Conscript difficulty

  • General Winter - Conscript

    Complete the General Winter Scenario on Conscript difficulty

  • Encirclement at Smolensk - Captain

    Complete the Encirclement at Smolensk on Captain difficulty

  • Faceoff at Rostov - Captain

    Complete the Faceoff at Rostov on Captain difficulty

  • Brody Tank War - Captain

    Complete the Brody Tank War on Captain difficulty

  • General Winter - Captain

    Complete the General Winter Scenario on Captain difficulty

  • Encirclement at Smolensk - General

    Complete the Encirclement at Smolensk on General difficulty

  • Faceoff at Rostov - General

    Complete the Faceoff at Rostov on General difficulty

  • Brody Tank War - General

    Complete the Brody Tank War on General difficulty

  • General Winter - General

    Complete the General Winter Scenario on General difficulty

  • Leningrad Approach - Conscript

    Complete the battle: Leningrad Approach on Conscript difficulty

  • Battle of the Crimea - Conscript

    Complete the Battle of Crimea on Conscript difficulty

  • Battle of Oka River - Conscript

    Complete the Battle of Oka River on Conscript difficulty

  • First Battle of Kharkov - Conscript

    Complete the First Battle of Kharkov on Conscript difficulty

  • Moscow Lines - Conscript

    Complete the battle: Moscow Lines on Conscript difficulty

  • Battle of Minsk - Conscript

    Complete the Battle of Minsk on Conscript difficulty

  • Moscow Approach - Conscript

    Complete the battle: Moscow Approach on Conscript difficulty

  • Battle of Pripyat River - Conscript

    Complete the Battle of Pripyat River on Conscript difficulty

  • Leningrad Approach - Captain

    Complete the battle: Leningrad Approach on Captain difficulty

  • Battle of the Crimea - Captain

    Complete the Battle of Crimea on Captain difficulty

  • Battle of Oka River - Captain

    Complete the Battle of Oka River on Captain difficulty

  • First Battle of Kharkov - Captain

    Complete the First Battle of Kharkov on Captain difficulty

  • Moscow Lines - Captain

    Complete the battle: Moscow Lines on Captain difficulty

  • Battle of Minsk - Captain

    Complete the Battle of Minsk on Captain difficulty

  • Moscow Approach - Captain

    Complete the battle: Moscow Approach on Captain difficulty

  • Battle of Pripyat River - Captain

    Complete the Battle of Pripyat River on Captain difficulty

  • Leningrad Approach - General

    Complete the battle: Leningrad Approach on General difficulty

  • Battle of the Crimea - General

    Complete the Battle of Crimea on General difficulty

  • Battle of Oka River - General

    Complete the Battle of Oka River on General difficulty

  • First Battle of Kharkov - General

    Complete the First Battle of Kharkov on General difficulty

  • Moscow Lines - General

    Complete the battle: Moscow Lines on General difficulty

  • Battle of Minsk - General

    Complete the Battle of Minsk on General difficulty

  • Moscow Approach - General

    Complete the battle: Moscow Approach on General difficulty

  • Battle of Pripyat River - General

    Complete the Battle of Pripyat River on General difficulty

  • Theater of War - 1941 - Scenarios

    Complete all Theater of War Co-op Scenarios in 1941

  • Theater of War - 1941 - Battles

    Complete all Theater of War Battles in 1941

  • Theater of War - 1941 - Challenges

    Complete all Theater of War Challenges in 1941

  • Theater of War - 1941 - Conscript

    Complete all Theater of War missions in 1941 on Conscript difficulty

  • Theater of War - 1941 - Captain

    Complete all Theater of War missions in 1941 on Captain difficulty

  • Theater of War - 1941 - General

    Complete all Theater of War missions in 1941 on General difficulty

  • M.01 - German Engineering

    Kill a German tank with a German AT Gun

  • M.01 - Compassion in War

    Rescue the trapped civilians

  • M.01 - Soviet Zeal

    Complete Mission 01 without calling in additional Shock Troops

  • M.02 - What's Mine is Mine

    Defend the trainyard without placing any mines on the roads

  • M.02 - Invaluable Resources

    Keep the Shock Troops alive throughout Mission 2

  • M.03 - Something Borrowed

    Capture at least 3 enemy weapons on the Ridge

  • M.03 - Mtsensk Mine Field

    Place at least 10 mines before the village defense

  • M.03 - Hardened Armor

    Re-take the Ridge without losing a vehicle on General difficulty

  • M.04 - Revenge

    Destroy all 10 tanks in Mission 4

  • M.04 - Cool Efficiency

    Take all three German outposts in Mission 4 using only snipers

  • M.05 - Some Room to Breathe

    Locate and destroy the enemy howitzers in Stalingrad

  • M.05 - Help from the North

    Secure the Northern bridge in Stalingrad

  • M.05 - The Silent Organs

    Complete Mission 5 without firing the Katyusha rockets

  • M.06 - Scout vs. Sniper

    Kill at least 3 snipers with an M3A1 Scout Car

  • M.06 - Get Out of the Truck!

    Destroy all the German halftracks

  • M.06 - Repel and Repair

    Complete the mission with at least 50 percent HQ integrity on General difficulty

  • M.07 - Direct Fire

    Complete the mission without capturing or deploying a Mortar

  • M.07 - Suchka Specialist

    Earn three ranks of veterancy with an SU-76

  • M.07 - Point Blank Demolition

    Destroy the German strongholds from close range on General difficulty

  • M.08 - No Help Needed

    Complete the “Hunt” without calling in any additional troops

  • M.09 - All on Your Own

    Complete Mission 9 without reestablishing radio communication

  • M.09 - The Spice of Life

    Create all available types of tank in Mission 9

  • M.10 - Glass Cannons

    Destroy an Elefant or all Pak-43s before they destroy a vehicle

  • M.10 - Gate Crusher

    Breach the gate without losing an ISU-152 on General difficulty

  • M.11 - Armia Krajowa

    Mobilize all three types of partisan troops during the fight

  • M.11 - Snipe the driver

    Snipe the driver of a moving Opel truck

  • M.12 - Howitzer Hunter

    Destroy all of the German Howitzers in the city of Poznan

  • M.12 - Solo Commander

    Capture both squares in Poznan before Colonel-General Kolpakchi’s army does

  • M.12 - To the Rescue

    Find and rescue the Penal Battalions incarcerated in the city of Poznan

  • M.13 - Halbe Massacre

    Allow no Germans to escape the encirclement

  • M.13 - The Might of the Red Army

    Complete the Halbe encirclement without producing any additional units

  • M.14 - Claimed for the Motherland

    Recrew the abandoned StuG, Brummbär and Ostwind

  • M.14 - Before the Winter

    Achieve victory in 60 minutes or less.

  • M.14 - Boots in the Streets

    Complete the mission without building any additional vehicles

  • Help Indeed

    Rescue all three Partizan squads in the Cold Weather challenge

  • Winter Driver

    Recrew and fully repair a Panzer IV tank during the Cold Weather challenge

  • Gold Weather

    Complete all objectives in the Cold Weather challenge

  • Massive Destruction

    Destroy 75% of the neutral structures during the Indirect Fire Challenge

  • Rocket Recovery

    Recrew all of the Katyusha trucks on the map during the Indirect Fire Challenge

  • Indirect Gold

    Complete all objectives in the Indirect Fire Challenge

  • Panzer Theft

    Recrew and repair a Panzer IV tank during the Winter Defense Challenge

  • To the Front

    Call in 20 squads of Fresh Conscripts during the Winter Defense Challenge

  • Gold Defense

    Complete all objectives in the Winter Defense Challenge

  • Clean Sweep

    Clear the entire minefield in the Blitzkrieg Challenge

  • Armored and Dangerous

    Recrew 10 Soviet vehicles during the Blitzkrieg Challenge

  • Goldkrieg

    Complete all objectives in the Blitzkrieg Challenge

  • Sharpshooter

    Use a Sniper to deliver the killing shot to five Soviet officers during the Officer Assassination Challenge

  • Scrounger

    Pick up 80% of the supply caches on the map during the Officer Assassination Challenge

  • Gold Assassin

    Complete all objectives in the Officer Assassination Challenge

  • Hard Shell

    Build 3 Panzer IV Medium Tanks during the match during the Defense of Schildkröteberg

  • Triple Triple

    Have three squads reach triple veterancy during the Defense of Schildkröteberg

  • Turtle Gold

    Complete all objectives in the Defense of Schildkröteberg

  • I Need No Help

    Do not call in any reinforcements during the Brody Tank War

  • Panzer Graveyard

    Destroy 20 German tanks or assault guns during the Brody Tank War

  • Cookout

    Build 10 Campfires during the General Winter Scenario

  • Halftracked

    Recrew all the abandoned German halftracks on the General Winter Scenario map

  • In the Noose

    Destroy all the vehicles in the Soviet breakout convoy during the Encirclement at Smolensk

  • Uncompromising

    Complete Faceoff at Rostov without the Soviets ever controlling more Victory Points than you do.

  • Red Dead

    Kill 20 squads of Soviet Shock Troops or Penal Battalions during Faceoff at Rostov

  • Silence the Guns

    Destroy the Soviet Artillery positions on the central plateau in the Encirclement at Smolensk

  • M.10 - Zero-Risk Market

    Capture the Lublin market squad without losing a soldier or vehicle

  • Retreat at the Don - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Retreat at the Don on Captain difficulty

  • Retreat at the Don - General

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Retreat at the Don on General difficulty

  • Kharkov Pursuit - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Kharkov Pursuit on Conscript difficulty

  • Kharkov - Pursuit - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Kharkov Pursuit on Captain difficulty

  • Kharkov Pursuit - General

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Kharkov Pursuit on General difficulty

  • Convoy - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Convoy on Conscript difficulty

  • Convoy - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Convoy on Captain difficulty

  • Convoy - General

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Convoy on General difficulty

  • Tiger Ace - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Tiger Ace on Conscript difficulty

  • Tiger Ace - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Tiger Ace on Captain difficulty

  • Tiger Ace - General

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Tiger Ace on General difficulty

  • Assault on Voronezh - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Scenario: Assault on Voronezh on Conscript difficulty

  • Assault on Voronezh - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Scenario: Assault on Voronezh on Captain difficulty

  • Assault on Voronezh - General

    Complete the Theater of War Scenario: Assault on Voronezh on General difficulty

  • Theater of War - Case Blue - Conscript

    Complete all Theater of War missions in Case Blue on Conscript difficulty

  • Theater of War - Case Blue - Captain

    Complete all Theater of War missions in Case Blue on Captain difficulty

  • Theater of War - Case Blue - General

    Complete all Theater of War missions in Case Blue on General difficulty

  • Retreat at the Don - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Retreat at the Don on Conscript difficulty

  • Stalingrad Resistance - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Stalingrad Resistance on Conscript difficulty

  • Stalingrad Resistance - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Stalingrad Resistance on Captain difficulty

  • Stalingrad Resistance - General

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Stalingrad Resistance on General difficulty

  • Winter Storm - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Winter Storm on Conscript difficulty

  • Winter Storm - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Winter Storm on Captain difficulty

  • Winter Storm - General

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Winter Storm on General difficulty

  • Stalingrad Encirclement - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Stalingrad Encirclement on Conscript difficulty

  • Stalingrad Encirclement - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Stalingrad Encirclement on Captain difficulty

  • Stalingrad Encirclement - General

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Stalingrad Encirclement on General difficulty

  • Tatsinskaya Raid - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Tatsinskaya Raid on Conscript difficulty

  • Tatsinskaya Raid - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Tatsinskaya Raid on Captain difficulty

  • Tatsinskaya Raid - General

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Tatsinskaya Raid on General difficulty

  • Bridge Defense - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Bridge on Conscript difficulty

  • Bridge Defense - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Bridge on Captain difficulty

  • Bridge Defense - General

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Bridge on General difficulty

  • Kalach - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Scenario: Kalach Pincer on Conscript difficulty

  • Kalach - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Scenario: Kalach Pincer on Captain difficulty

  • Kalach - General

    Complete the Theater of War Scenario: Kalach Pincer on General difficulty

  • Theater of War - Victory at Stalingrad - Conscript

    Complete all Theater of War missions in Victory at Stalingrad on Conscript difficulty

  • Theater of War - Victory at Stalingrad - Captain

    Complete all Theater of War missions in Victory at Stalingrad on Captain difficulty

  • Theater of War - Victory at Stalingrad - General

    Complete all Theater of War missions in Victory at Stalingrad on General difficulty

  • Assault Grenadiers

    Kill 50 enemies with a single Assault Grenadier Squad


    Deploy 50 Mechanized Assault Groups and 50 Mechanized Grenadier Groups.

  • Makeshift Artillery

    Kill 200 infantry with STUG III E assault guns

  • Someone Needs to Man those Guns!

    Deploy 200 Osttruppen squads.

  • Just a Scratch!

    Get a KV1 to Veterancy Rank 3.

  • BOOM!

    Kill 100 vehicles with B4 howitzers.

  • Size Doesn't Matter

    Kill 5 Tigers with M-42 AT guns

  • We're Going to Need a Bigger Gun

    Get 100 kills using a KV2.

  • They're Coming Out of the Woodwork!

    Deploy 50 Partisan LMG Squads, 50 Partisan SMG Squads and 50 Partisan Rifle Squads.


    Destroy 20 vehicles with Partisan Tank Hunters.

  • Rapid Fire Anti-Tank

    Destroy 20 vehicles with DShK Heavy Machine Guns.

  • Defending the Motherland

    Kill 100 infantry units with Soviet Irregulars

  • They don't Call Him Ace for Nothing!

    Kill 200 units with a single Tiger Ace.

  • Breaking Lines - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Breaking Lines on Conscript difficulty

  • Breaking Lines - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Breaking Lines on Captain difficulty

  • Breaking Lines - General

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Breaking Lines on General difficulty

  • General Mud - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: General Mud on Conscript difficulty

  • General Mud - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: General Mud on Captain difficulty

  • General Mud - General

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: General Mud on General difficulty

  • Kharkov Divide - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Kharkov Divide on Conscript difficulty

  • Kharkov Divide - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Kharkov Divide on Captain difficulty

  • Kharkov Divide - General

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Kharkov Divide on General difficulty

  • No Retreat No Surrender - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: No Retreat No Surrender on Conscript difficulty

  • No Retreat No Surrender - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: No Retreat No Surrender on Captain difficulty

  • No Retreat No Surrender - General

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: No Retreat No Surrender on General difficulty

  • Panzer Crossing - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Panzer Crossing on Conscript difficulty

  • Panzer Crossing - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Panzer Crossing on Captain difficulty

  • Panzer Crossing - General

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Panzer Crossing on General difficulty

  • Retreat to the Donets - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Retreat to the Donets on Conscript difficulty

  • Retreat to the Donets - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Retreat to the Donets on Captain difficulty

  • Retreat to the Donets - General

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Retreat to the Donets on General difficulty

  • Storming the Donets - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Storming the Donets on Conscript difficulty

  • Storming the Donets - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Storming the Donets on Captain difficulty

  • Storming the Donets - General

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Storming the Donets on General difficulty

  • Heavy Rain - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Heavy Rain on Conscript difficulty

  • Heavy Rain - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Heavy Rain on Captain difficulty

  • Heavy Rain - General

    Complete the Theater of War Battle: Heavy Rain on General difficulty

  • Occupation - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Occupation on Conscript difficulty

  • Occupation - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Occupation on Captain difficulty

  • Occupation - General

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Occupation on General difficulty

  • Occupation - Blood in the Snow

    Rescued the wounded Commander on Occupation

  • Spring Rasputitsa - Conscript

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Spring Rasputitsa on Conscript difficulty

  • Spring Rasputitsa - Captain

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Spring Rasputitsa on Captain difficulty

  • Spring Rasputitsa - General

    Complete the Theater of War Challenge: Spring Rasputitsa on General difficulty

  • Spring Rasputitsa - Bombers on Approach

    Cleared the way for bombers on Spring Rasputitsa

  • Theater of War - Southern Fronts - Conscript

    Complete all Theater of War mission in Southern Fronts on Conscript difficulty

  • Theater of War - Southern Fronts - Captain

    Complete all Theater of War mission in Southern Fronts on Captain difficulty

  • Theater of War - Southern Fronts - General

    Complete all Theater of War mission in Southern Fronts on General difficulty

  • Snore, Snore, Total Bore!

  • Romeo is Dead!

  • Romani Ite Domum