
Astronimo is a construction platform puzzler that takes you and your friends out of this world into a vast solar system, providing them with expansive creation tools to stretch the bounds of imagination.
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  • Virtuoso

    Collect all musical taunts

  • Community Engager

    Play and complete a community world

  • Life Finds a Way!

    Submit your first world

  • They'll Suspect Nothing

  • Beat the Crumbs Out of Each Other

    Fight another crewmate... a lot

  • Meditate

  • Two Heads are Better than One

    Complete a challenge with another Local Player

  • CHIP and Builder

    Place and build with all the workshop parts at least once (excluding stickers and cosmetics)

  • Bird Mode

    Build your first rocket ship

  • Kingdom - 3 Crowns?!

    Stack three Crowns of Glory

  • Yes Officer, this One Here

    Punch a crewmate into a grinder

  • A Night Sky Explorer

    Land on all planets and moons

  • What Did You Think Would Happen?

  • A Shu in for Your Fastest Run yet

    Complete the game in under 5 hours

  • Motherlode

    Collect 5000 Ore