Turbo Golf Racing

An action-packed fusion of racing and golf. Traverse across a diverse range of courses, using your car to skilfully putt your ball in the hole. Face off against 7 opponents in Race mode, make every shot count in golf mode, or test your skills against the clock in Time Trials.
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  • Let's get started

    Finish the tutorial

  • Take the W

    Win 1 online game.

  • Clean Sweep

    Achieve 3 1 placements in 1 online game

  • Globe Trotter

    Achieve 3 stars in 30 levels

  • Seeing Stars

    Achieve 100 stars

  • Urban Legend

    Achieve 3 stars in 10 Urban Gardens levels

  • Aztec Hero

    Achieve 3 stars in 10 Aztec Run levels

  • Industrial Titan

    Achieve 3 stars in 10 Industrial Drive levels

  • Wild Thing

    Achieve 3 stars in 10 Wild Heights levels

  • Big Spender

    Buy 1 Legendary item

  • Collector

    Own 10 unique Body

  • Spoilt for choice

    Own 100 cosmetic items

  • ;)

    Use emojis in 30 online holes.

  • Precision

    Hit your ball through 300 boost rings in online games

  • Inbounds

    Complete 50 online holes without going out of bounds

  • Fairway Fiasco

    Complete 50 online holes without touching any Bunker or Rough

  • Bang, bang, bang!

    Fire 3 pick ups at opponents in 1 online hole

  • High Flyer

    Glide for 1200 seconds

  • Blockade

    Shield from a pick up 50 times in online games

  • Pick me up, before you go go

    Collect 1000 pickups in online games

  • Party Time!

    Play 1 online game in a party of 2

  • Foursome

    Play 1 online game in a party of 4

  • Fine Shot

    Achieve 1 shot of the match medal.

  • On Fire!

    Achieve 3 shot of the match medals in 1 online game.

  • Got the Basics

    Complete 8 of the Learning The Basics! missions

  • Advanced Mechanic

    Complete 10 of the Something More Advanced! missions

  • Time is of the essence

    Complete 20 timed event missions

  • Just another day

    Complete 50 Daily missions

  • Activate!

    Win 5 online games with unique Active cores equipped

  • Passing Time

    Win 10 online games with unique Passive cores equipped